
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Smarty pants...

The last time Zeke nursed was June 19th. He nursed in the morning for his breakfast. I'm pretty impressed that he's been really ok with not nursing since then. If I'm not quick enough with his bottle of milk or his breakfast of bread and avocado then he'll point at my chest and do his little "I want to nurse now!!" whine. For the most part, he's been super understanding.

This morning, I was laying on the floor in his room and he started lifting up my shirt a little bit like he was looking to nurse so I asked him what he was doing. He immediately pointed toward the door said "dat" (translation: That) then got up and walked out and headed toward the kitchen. When I didn't follow him, he came back to me then pointed toward the door and said "dat" so I followed him and asked if he wanted his breakfast he smiled really big and said "jes!" (Translation: Yes). That's the first time he's translated it on his own in his head. He knew that I wasn't going to nurse him so he wanted food to make his hunger go away. So CUTE!!! I can't believe how smart he is!!!

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