
Monday, June 23, 2008

Waiting and resting

Nothing has happened yet.  The baby hasn't dropped and we all continue on as though the baby has no intention of leaving his/her comfortable home inside my belly.  Crazy kid! This is one of those times when you know its inevitable and you know people go through it all the time, but it seriously feels like this kid is nestling in for another year or so of residence inside me.  Somehow, I don't think that's going to work out, but only time will tell when this kid is finally going to become curious enough to venture out. :)  Hopefully soon...


Anonymous said...

like i said... he loves it in there. he'd like you to check back in a few days though.. :)

Jemuelle said...

Oh boy... I think groover will get tired of those restricting contractions and finally give up. This kid will make a grand enterance.